3 Cheeses Melt with Fries
Beef 150gm, Cheddar, mozzarella, emmental, pickles, tomato, lettuce, special sauce.
Three cheeses come together in glorious unity, creating a heavenly bite every time.
Beef 150gm, Cheddar, mozzarella, emmental, pickles, tomato, lettuce, special sauce with fries
5.77 د.ا
ثلاثة أجبان : لحم بقر 150 جم، شيدر، موتزاريلا، إيمنتال، مخلل، طماطم، خس، صوص خاص مع بطاطا3 Cheeses Melt with Fries
Beef 150gm, Cheddar, mozzarella, emmental, pickles, tomato, lettuce, special sauce.
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